"Lanyard - $5.00"); // Settings $eventName = "Coaster Crew Leaps the Pond"; $eventDate = "October 20th-27th, 2017"; $featuresLeft = '
'; $maxGuests = 0; $actionPage = "leap-the-pond.php"; if($enabled){ if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] != "POST"){ require("header.php"); ?>

Event Attendee

Enter your name.

Enter your email.

Enter your phone number. Ex: 555-555-5555

Enter your Coaster Crew Badge Number

Full mailing address.

Any special or roommate requests

Payment Summary

Name Cost
  Total: $0.00

In consideration of the risk of injury while participating in Coaster Crew Leaps The Pond (the "Activity"), and as consideration for the right to participate in the Activity, I hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators, assigns, or personal representatives, knowingly and voluntarily enter into this waiver and release of liability and hereby waive any and all rights, claims or causes of action of any kind whatsoever arising out of my participation in the Activity, and do hereby release and forever discharge Coaster Crew, located at 5361 Crescent Drive, Hilliard, Ohio 43206, their affiliates, managers, members, agents, attorneys, staff, volunteers, heirs, representatives, predecessors, successors and assigns, for any physical or psychological injury, including but not limited to illness, paralysis, death, damages, economical or emotional loss, that I may suffer as a direct result of my participation in the aforementioned Activity, including traveling to and from an event related to this Activity. Cancellations Policy: Deposit and any payments made, less any costs and expenses incurred by Coaster Crew, will be refunded if cancellation request is received prior to April 15th 2017.

You must supply a valid email address to receive important trip updates and payment information!

Thank your for your registration!

Payment Information


Send check payable to Coastercrew for $ or $250 down to:
Coaster Crew
C/O Kate Jones
5361 Crescent Drive
Hilliard, OH 43026

Please write "" in the memo.

Credit Card / Paypal

3.0%+$0.30 will be added to your order to cover paypal fees

Full Payment ($)


Down Payment ($)


You do not need a PayPal account to pay via PayPal.
window.onload=function(){ parent.document.getElementById('submitButton').disabled = false; } "; $errorPre = "$reenable
"; $errorPost = "
"; while(list($k,$v)=each($_POST)){ if(!is_array($v)){ if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()){ $$k = htmlentities(strip_tags(stripslashes($v))); }else{ $$k = htmlentities(strip_tags($v)); } }else{ $$k = $v; } } if(empty($fullname)){ die("$errorPre Name for attendee is missing $errorPost"); }elseif(empty($email)){ die("$errorPre Email for attendee is missing $errorPost"); }elseif(empty($phone)){ die("$errorPre Phone number for attendee is missing $errorPost"); }elseif(empty($badge)){ die("$errorPre Badge for attendee is missing $errorPost"); }elseif(empty($shirt)){ die("$errorPre Shirt for attendee is missing $errorPost"); }elseif(empty($address)){ die("$errorPre Address for attendee is missing $errorPost"); }elseif($attendeeEventFee == ""){ die("$errorPre Event fee for attendee is missing $errorPost"); }elseif(!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)){ die("$errorPre Invalid email address for attendee $errorPost"); } $totalCost = 0; $subid = rand_string(5); $message = ""; $message .= " Submission ID: ".$subid."

Name: ".$fullname."
Email: ".$email."
Phone: ".$phone."
Badge: ".$badge."
Shirt: ".$shirt."
Event Fee: ".$attendeeEventFee."
Comments: ".$comments."
"; $cost = explode("- $", $attendeeEventFee); $totalCost += $cost[1]; if(!empty($additionalItems)){ $message .= " Additonal Items:
"; foreach( $additionalItems as $key => $value){ $message .= $value . "
"; $cost = explode("- $", $value); $totalCost += $cost[1]; } } $message .= "
"; $message .= "Total Cost: $".number_format($totalCost,2).""; $message .= ""; $body = $message; $emailTo = array($email,'hollorantimothy@yahoo.com','matthew.rydzik@gmail.com'); // $emailTo = array($email,'matthew.rydzik@gmail.com'); $sendgrid = new SendGrid('coastercrew', 'FrAFasT2'); $email = new SendGrid\Email(); $email->setTos($emailTo)-> setFrom('tim@coastercrew.net')-> setFromName('Coaster Crew')-> setSubject($eventName . " Registration")-> setText($body)-> setHtml($body); $r = $sendgrid->send($email); ?>
Registration is closed. Event has reached capacity. Join us at our next event!"; require("footer.php"); } ?>